Thank you Allodial.

I am distracted however by doctrine I recognize from the Libel of Review. If you look in the instructions at the end you will find some notes about mail. If you get a nuisance suit to the legal name an articulation is to Return to Sender; Not Residing Here.

Seeing how Stacey Lynne presents herself in her true name I wonder if she has picked up on some of the truths about the LoR process?

Possibly she began to think that by Returning Hubby/Father's process because it was addressed to her legal or full name that she could pretend she knew nothing about the court order that Hubby/Father could pick Jaden up at school?

The doctrine assumes one thing primarily - judgment. If one decides to Return to Sender because of the presumption of legal name then one might have to live with that kitchen table-summary judgment.